Perfectly Imperfect


It’s my first blog post, and I’m agonizing because this isn’t perfect. The perfectionist is ingrained in my being, and I find it hard to turn it off. Blogging has been a long work in progress. I’ve considered creating a blog for over 8 years now. There are many reasons why I never got to it; busy with work, insecure about my writing, being told that travel blogging is overdone, I’ve been told blogging would be too much work for me, and I often felt so lost with how to do it all. Even after starting it, I didn’t put in the time it deserved. All for the same reasons- insecurity, perfectionism, and feeling overwhelmed.   

I am not a tech-savvy person, and I love paper. For instance, I have stacks and stacks of scrapbooks and travel journals. In fact, there is a hefty pile sitting on my desk right now as I type this. Whenever a friend or a family member asked me for tips about a place I’ve been, I would pour through all my notes to organize an itinerary. I finally came to a point where I thought, “Why not try something new and blog it all? I already spend so much time and find so much joy in journaling. I should do it online.”

With encouragement from my cousin and some dear friends, here I go. It’s time to give this a real chance. Learning how to create and maintain a website has proven to be complicated, but I enjoy learning new things. I have spent countless hours trying to make it just right, and I accept the site will always be a work in progress. It is never going to be impeccable. Hopefully, this goes well. Please feel free to send along advice. I would greatly appreciate the help!

The biggest lesson I am learning along the way is this- it’s ok not to be perfect. It’s better to get going and figure it out along the way. If you wait until everything is perfect, you may never get to the start. 

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